


来源:无损检测 【在线投稿】 栏目:期刊导读 时间:2021-03-10







骨水泥裂纹生成的原因:骨水泥内部微裂纹的萌生是导致骨水泥损伤及骨水泥-柄界面脱粘的主要原因。从宏观角度而言,骨水泥裂纹的生成,一方面骨水泥椁因受由径向和轴向应力共同形成压力场,影响萌生裂纹。另一方面界面滑动对骨水泥内部断裂损伤的影响,柄在骨水泥椁中下沉的最大距离为(2.2± 0.8)mm,而后骨水泥微裂纹压实,界面再次箍紧固定。从微观而言,骨水泥在搅拌聚合过程中形成不同饱和结晶度的聚合物,以及骨水泥颗粒分布不均匀形成的基体密度对断裂造成影响。




OBJECTIVE: To study the mechanical properties of bone cement-stem interface, and the effect of crack formation in bone cement on interfacial loosening.

METHODS: The cement-titanium alloy handle implant components were maximum adhesive force of bone cement-stem interface was measured using push-in cement damage and crack in the process of bone cement-handle interfacial debonding were monitored online using acoustic emission non-destructive testing on the metal surface and the inner layer of bone cement cylinder was conducted using three-dimensional surface profiler, ultrasonic microscopy and X-ray detector.

RESULTS AND CONCLUSION: The online monitoring results of debonding experiment and acoustic emission tester demonstrated that the initial damage of bone cement initiated in the primary loading of patients after operation, rather than at fatigue damage cement coffin caused cracks initiation mainly due to the combination effect of radial and axial bone cement-stem interfacial shear lag effect could not prevent the gradual extension of interface and inner coffin crack from top to bone cement defects formed in solidification process was likely to affect the mechanical properties of the material, and eventually induced the crystal face and macromolecular chain fractures, forming silver striated cracks and leading component failure.

Funding: a grant supported by the Priority Academic Program Development of Jiangsu Higher Education Institutions; Qinglan Foundation from Jiangsu Province of China, No.0; the Graduate Education Innovation Project in Jiangsu Province of China, No.KYLX_1376; the Scientific Research Project of Health and Family Planning Commission of Jiangsu Province of China, No.H

Cite this article: Zhang LF, Ge SR, Liu HT, Guo loading causes bone cement-stem interface debonding Zuzhi Gongcheng ;20(8):1081-1088.

Zhang Lan-feng, Studying for doctorate, School of Mechatronic Engineering, China University of Mining and Technology, Xuzhou , Jiangsu Province, China

0 引言 Introduction


研究证明骨水泥-柄界面的近端剪切力是拉伸应力的2倍,界面脱粘始于近端、远端和中前部位[19-20]。循环载荷造就骨水泥椁内闭锁应力的累积损伤,界面逐渐平缓脱粘。Hung和Pérez等[21-22]分别基于裂纹闭锁和非线性累积损伤理论剖析裂纹扩展,以研究柄对界面的可靠性关系和柄下沉。近年来,多采用非线性模拟和试验结合研究界面应力场的变化和界面损伤[1-2,4,23]。Huang等[24]发现载荷为4 420 N时,柄下沉50.1 μm;而扭矩为67.9 N·m、旋转角度为0.056°时,柄下沉200.7 μm。Damron和Moreo等[25-26]发现脱粘幅度分别为10-7.31米/周期和10-(6.)米/周期。Afsharpoya和Flitti等[27-28]发现裂纹萌生方向可为水平、垂直和倾斜,近段生成裂纹为水平型,而远段裂纹为复合型,骨水泥最终疲劳裂纹扩展率为(25± 19)%,而柄裂纹扩展率为100%。许多研究借助无损检测探伤裂纹,Ruther等[29]使用声发射仪和超声检测仪实现界面脱粘定位和定量研究,Lin等[30]通过声发射技术结合光学相干断层成像得出,界面经历106疲劳周期后,最大损伤应力为10.98 MPa,并得到临床研究证实[23]。Qi等[31]基于声发射发现,骨水泥微观分层结构半结晶聚合物内部裂纹小于10-6m微裂纹。有研究基于小波变换的声发射技术采集了骨水泥微观裂纹萌生而导致的早期损伤及而后疲劳特性[32-34]。而Sinnetf-Jones等[35-36]通过疲劳试验和同步加速器微观X射线断层摄影术证实,骨水泥内部缺陷和微结构跟疲劳过程相互作用,却不认同裂纹路径靠近骨水泥微球。